Anyone here have a selfish sibling who only cares about themselves and sucks up to parents? But treats you like shit? Mine is polite and jovial in front of others, especially my parents, but wouldn't lift a finger if I was dying. As the older one, it pisses me off because I've done so much for them in our younger years but now get treated like crap since he is the baby and the favorite. I would have preferred we had got a dog and I kept the other half of the inheritance. So frustrated.
They say the best way to reset your body clock is to take in some sunlight during the day. The second best way is to take a dip in the ocean. Hope this helps!
Try taking melatonin supplements. I also have a messed up body clock and I find it hard sleeping early at night. Melatonin has really changed my life.
Smoke some ganja 🌳
I would suggest getting thick curtains to block out any sunlight. Also get a good eyemask. If all else fails, take some melatonin pills or any sleep inducing food to get your circadian rhythm back.
Take a day or two off to reset you body. This way you can get your rest and get your sleeping schedule back on track
Are you still dealing with a heavy workload? It could be time to delegate some work so that you can rest better.
Have you tried Melatonin? That seems to work really well for me.
no devices at night, dark room/no lights before going to sleep, chamomile tea before going to sleep or warm milk, you can try melatonin, warm shower/bath before bed, make sure your room in cool at night, no caffeine late in the afternoon or evening, try melatonin, do not get out of bed or check devices when you wake
I do a lot more meditation and yoga. Ideally during the day, but if not, definitely a nighttime unwind. I find that I have to start winding down earlier than normal after a stressful period - so like ~2ish hours before bed which isn't always feasible
I also suggest getting blackout curtains and trying melatonin. Start with 5mg and if that doesn't work then I would increase to 10 mg. That seems to work really well for me as far as falling asleep.
This takes time, honestly. But once you get it started, things will be easier. Number 1 advice, don not use your phone when you're already in bed, put it somewhere that will require you to stand up. Number 2, do not take naps, no matter how tired you are (you can take naps once you got your normal sleep sched back), number 3, avoid excercising too close to bedtime.
If melatonin isn't enough, ask your doctor about Trazodone. It's not a controlled substance, and it has the benefit of acting as an antidepressant (which most people in Big Law probably need).