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Tata Consultancy Infosys
Additional Posts in Whiskey Business
Some retail snags in the last week or so
Grabbed some new bottles today!
Cheers to those celebrating promotions and bonuses.
Cheers all! Enjoy your Saturday night.
Cheers from the beach!
Rye sampler tonight 🥃. Cheers everyone!
Old Fashioneds this evening. The Mrs likes 2 🍒
Happpy hump day
I’ve done a few batches of bacon fat washed whiskey - bourbon as well as scotch - it makes for a tasty substitute for vodka in a Bloody Mary!
My easy version of fat washing is to funnel leftover bacon grease (strained first, and while it’s still warm and liquidy) into a partially consumed bottle of bourbon or islay scotch, then freeze on its side in a freezer overnight. The next day, simply pour off the whiskey and the solidified bacon fat stays in the bottle (but you could also use the fat for something like sautéing a steak). I also suggest keeping the fat washed whiskey bottle in the freezer so the small fat bits don’t go rancid in the whiskey at room temperature… and these small fat bits add to the “homemade” charm 😆
Amazing thanks for the tips! Thinking about doing a bourbon with sesame oil tonight. Also, cooking a steak in whiskey infused bacon fat sounds amazing 😍 for reference