In a very similar boat- I changed my official title to 'clinical manager' and highlighted all of my jobs as a supervisor and clinical duties before my actual clinical experience- yet to get a bite but maybe that helps.
Time-management, data analysis, EHR/EMR, healthcare technology/terminology, creative problem solving, organization techniques, screenings/assessments, client relations, creative planning, short and long term goal setting, one-on-one coaching, referrals, outcome measure reporting, multi-tasking / managing 8-15 caseloads per day in fast paced environment, presenting data-driven content, high energy/client-centered care approach, positive working relationships with healthcare professionals, preparing and submitting documentation/progress reports, collaborating with various departments, strategy implementation, team member support, facilitating touch points with clients, driving achievement, medical coding/billing
I’ve been trying to transition to therapy recruiting or RN recruiting. As well as healthcare customer success. Just hard getting someone to recognize my skills in a non clinical way
In a very similar boat- I changed my official title to 'clinical manager' and highlighted all of my jobs as a supervisor and clinical duties before my actual clinical experience- yet to get a bite but maybe that helps.
Hm. Which skills are you highlighting?
Time-management, data analysis, EHR/EMR, healthcare technology/terminology, creative problem solving, organization techniques, screenings/assessments, client relations, creative planning, short and long term goal setting, one-on-one coaching, referrals, outcome measure reporting, multi-tasking / managing 8-15 caseloads per day in fast paced environment, presenting data-driven content, high energy/client-centered care approach, positive working relationships with healthcare professionals, preparing and submitting documentation/progress reports, collaborating with various departments, strategy implementation, team member support, facilitating touch points with clients, driving achievement, medical coding/billing
I'd focus on companies that overlap with the healthcare industry. Maybe a medical device company or something along those lines.
I’ve been trying to transition to therapy recruiting or RN recruiting. As well as healthcare customer success. Just hard getting someone to recognize my skills in a non clinical way