Anyone have GMAT success stories /tips they can share? I put in like 150 hours of studying and took the test multiple times but could only get a 710, so trying to see if I just accept it or try again before R2 apps are due. My biggest issue is consistency since I either do well on Q or V

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So I was in a very very similar position to you.

Few things that helped me

1) Stop focus on pure theoretical and basically only do questions then under mistakes
2) Sleep the night before I full eight hours don't study the day before sleep
3) Focus in on areas your week. Look at your q banks and focus in on the types of math or English you get wrong.

Ended up with a 749 doing this. No guarantees but I thought it helped me


Yeah sorry was on a shake bus when I type that out

Similar boat as you . Capped out at 690 .

I think a tutor would’ve helped me because increasing hours wasn’t translating to better results


Increasing hours was not translating to better results suggests GRE might be a better opinion for you.

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I took it 6 times and put in over 800 hours to get a 760. Am now first year at M7




I got a 710 and got interviews from 3 M7s



Similar story last year, I took the gmat 4x and maxed at 660, took GRE twice and got a 328(168v160q).


Will let you know in a few weeks haha

Do you practice in “test conditions”? I used to do a mock exam every sunday just like the real test till the end (pauses included).

If you are able to do well in both it might just be that you get tired after a while and your performance drops…have you tried working on that?


Just go with it unless you’re from Asia and are targeting T10ish.


I got a 710 and it’s the best I could do. Just applied round 1 and have a full scholarship from Stern


Damn I got a 700 and no interview.


How are your practice scores?


Take the Verbal section first when you choose the order. Changed my score from a 700 to a 750 since I was always burnt out when I took Verbal second. With Quant you either know it or you don’t except for some tricky DS questions. Verbal is a lot more nuanced and I needed to attack that section fresh



Isaac Puglia from GMAT Strategy. His method will get you the rest of the way!! I was hitting 690s consistently until finding him and then was able to hit 750 on my next 2 practice tests!

It’s not a typical test - you’re not tested on # questions you get right, but rather the difficulty of the question you end on. So it’s more about understanding the scoring algorithm and adjusting your approach. You don’t need to answer every question right!

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