Curious to know people’s planning systems. I’m a paper planner at heart, but in this practice, there’s so many tasks and sub tasks for each client matter and each task may be in various points of completion (to do, waiting on, in process, etc.). I’ve toyed with excel sheets, word docs, paper planning, Trello, Notion, etc. and nothing seems to ‘stick.’ Thank you!
I second data studio. Will be important to stay in the google ecosystem with the GA4 changes coming down the pipe
This is a smart POV
Super metrics has a ton of templates and so does data studio
I second data studio. Will be important to stay in the google ecosystem with the GA4 changes coming down the pipe
Do you have a resource to learn using data studio well?
My company really likes Tableau so we push the GA data to bigquery and then connect to Tableau from there. It's great because you can connect tons of different data sources.
Yeah, that works too. Data Studio can do the same, though Tableau is more flexible in many respects. But for someone who is just trying to do some basic dashboards and isn't merging data from multiple sources, Data Studio should work fine.
Completely depends on the purpose of the dashboard. Since you are a Director of Marketing, I'll assume that you want to look at acquisition channel data primarily. You already received some good advice to look at SuperMetrics and Data Studio, each has their own acquisition channel templates, plus there's a gallery in Data Studio where you can see templates created by others (mostly agencies). Good luck!