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Rising Star
The greatest myth business ever told is the idea you have to be a dick to be successful.
What a lot of people don’t say about Jobs and Gates is that a lot of their success was due to their calm, steady partners - Steve Wozniak and Paul Allen
^underrated comment
I personally can’t work with people who’re rude and unprofessional.
I’m getting paid for the work that I do. I’m not getting paid to be the punching bag for someone who can’t contain their emotions.
Rising Star
Totally disagree.
Gates and Jobs were successful DESPITE how they interacted with people. They were superstar pioneers and visionaries into brand new things once considered impossible - truly "1 of 1" kind of talents.
You might be talented, but you're not Bill Gates. People will leave and find a leader that values them as a human being.
Anybody who has ever played a team sport where the best player is a huge d bag can attest to the kind of work environment this creates. You may be successful due to talent, but nobody is really happy, and you're probably not getting the best out of everyone.
Times have changed. EQ is so much more important than IQ these days
Rising Star
My bosses are amazing leaders and also the nicest people to work with.
Would put up with this far more from a true visionary versus some random PPMD.
Likeability goes far in leadership. Be there to guide but if you are an ass, you won’t have true followership.
I don’t understand why everyone is going to to extreme. Never said I want to be rude or be a dick .
Rising Star
I dont think you were trying to say you’d be a dick. But your post did make it sound like you think being too nice is a weakness and you might want to consider acting more like a Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, who both had a reputation for being really hard on their coworkers and occasionally jerks.
I do. I notice that my peers are much tougher on our juniors and they seem to get better results from them (they work quicker, and probably to the same standard). But I struggle to do the same. Hoping I work it out, because I think you can be tough while still being fair/not unpleasant.