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Thoughts?? On the rocks or what’s a good mixer?
What gave you hope today?
Any singles Desi Males in this bowl over 40?
This is easily the most aspirational conversation I’ve listened to all week. I feel like I’m eavesdropping in the Goldman Sachs elevator. *quietly puts away Amex card*
I feel like this is the right kind of thread to find a husband in
Does include my comment about spending $30 on a 24 pack of Stella?
And there’s me at the store taking a couple of extra minutes deciding if I want to pay $30 for 24 Stella or if I should get a 12 pack
By the way, I don’t mean ANYTHING bad by that. May we all be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor - especially if that fruit is squished and aged to perfection!
Me too. And I’m a straight dude....
Not sure how to respond BCG3. Happy to educate you on how things work, but just not today
Hey all. I’ve found folks to split with and have a few others interested. I promise to keep you posted if that changes. If anyone is heartbroken over this, send me a message and I’ll see if I can reserve one bottle for you on the condition you are either going to drink it or lay it down for a while...not looking to give away for someone to sell it
2016. If you’re cool and sincerely interested in burgundy, you can join me on a visit to DRC June 2019. Love sharing with people who appreciate it
Wow that’s incredible, I would definitely be interested
Yikes! That’s intense. Surprised you got so much. Are these the 15’s or 16’s?
At release price?
Not sure how you got an allocation, but for sure interested
I requested 8 cases thinking I would maybe get 1...2 if I was lucky. Found out I was given 3. It’s all or nothing and 3 cases is more than I want. $28900/case
Hey OP. Might be interested in 2015. Where are you located?
You got three cases of DRC??
OP did you find a buyer?
Does anyone(s) want to split the 3rd case with me? I would only like 2 or 3 bottles
31 F in Chicago here....😉
Drink wine? You’re in
I love wine but that's a lot for wine... No judgement here though. Only respect
This is definitely fake: 1. I doubt you got 3 of the total 1800 cases that were produced; 2. Wine allocation is not all or nothing, very few consulting partners are going to drop $75k on wine
Agree with S& - I know a number of partners who have spent that on wine