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Bro, don't search for Dumps, Its wise to learn from Microsoft docs portal and courses from Udemy and in the end, you can opt for Microsoft practice test package where you would get good practice, in 3 to 4 months of preparation, you can clear the assessment.
Rising Star
Buy practice questions from Whizlabs and thank me later.
I gave same advice to my team lead, he said he don't believe in studying dumps and believes in actual learning. Failed the exam twice, purchased the dumps and cleared exam with flying colors, learned his lesson the hard way.
You can find them in places like D1 says above, but I agree with SEL1 that the portal and Udemy courses would be the better way to go long-term. That way you are sure to really learn the material and be able to use it as needed on the job. But I understand some people simply don't test well so if you need dumps, do what you must do.
Anyone has latest dumps for AZ 104 or 204 pls DM me