Should I keep a clerkship interview or decline a clerkship interview? I am risk adverse and currently have no firm offer lined up but have interviews coming up. If I had a choice, I would rather take a firm job over a clerkship job, however, I want to do litigation and I heard clerking is recommended for litigators.
The only thing I’m worried about is - if I do the clerkship interview, I can’t turn it down and would have to cancel all the interviews I have coming up for firm jobs.
There is no such thing as “passing an ATS” a human will decide if you pass to the next round.
Unless it is marked as an explicit knockout question that you have to answer to apply.
Conversation Starter
Very interesting! My takeaway is to apply and hope that if my experience lines up to what they’re looking for, hopefully, I will be contacted.
Unless there’s a specific question that asks: highest level of education completed (I’ve seen a few) then I’m shit out of luck.
If it passes ats, you'll probably get kicked out when a human reviews it unless you have other skills/certifications that make it worthwhile to overlook that requirement.
From my understanding, ATS simply scans for predefined keyword matches. CVs with the highest matches tend to get selected.
ATS do not scan and match based on keywords. Tell your friends!!!