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I learned to just deal

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Happy impact day fellow Deloittians!
Her unborn son to be hailed as "Associate" 😅
I learned to just deal
How common are layoffs in big law?
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Happy impact day fellow Deloittians!
Can't have problems if you don't have the time to make those relationships 😑
Not just during busy season lol
My first busy season was a shock to my boyfriend. I guess hearing "I'll be really busy" enough times doesn't prepare them enough. But with enough work, he understood and now in my second busy season, he's the one that reassures me that it's all temporary. They don't kid when they say relationships are work...but it's so worth it
Yeah it's tough. I think all married people in my group have met their SO before they got into PA. It's workable but you need a SO that understands that you won't always be there for them certain times of the year which isn't easy.
....Yeah! Busy season was to blame!
Yea...been there.
Yes. So many issues.
My wife hates busy season. You just need to keep reminding them it's temporary.
I don't understand how people can't make a relationship work during busy season. I've had two serious ones and ended up getting married. If you want it to work, it can.
Sorry, tensions were high
I'm envious that you're able to feel complete during these times. I know it's selfish and maybe even childish to want more than I know I can have, but every time I look around at my friends not in PA I can't help it. If my alma mater has a big basketball game Monday night and I want to watch it, that means no gym, no personal errands, no cooking or laundry, just work, game, and back to work. Last week I talked to my mom on the phone for 1.5 hours around dinner time and when I got done I realized I had to sacrifice everything else I wanted/needed to do that evening in order to get work done
I suppose it wasn't clear that it was a joke about myself, not you
Last three times I tried dating someone seriously it was destroyed by busy season. Recently started a new relationship but I've already decided this is going to be my last busy season so I have a little hope this time
How do you do it sm1
To be honest, you make time for the things you want to make time for. You have to set priorities. Is work a priority, yes, but not to the exclusion of everything else. Have i left work early to have a dinner date absolutely! Have i come back the following day and double down on hours to make up for it, absolutely! Balance. This is not only a work thing, this is a life thing. This is how life works.
I guess it just seems to take a lot for me to switch gears between work and life... leaving work early to spend an hour or two at dinner with a gf means I'm grinding until the very last second, leaving in a rush and stressing about being late as well as all the work I left sitting there and how much more will pile up by the time I get back to it. And if I only do work and dinner with someone else in a day
I'm neglecting every other aspect of my personal life and it starts affecting my mood
I hear you Tax Manager 1. During busy season I make time for my family and friends that don't really understand when i say i am working crazy hours. I try to do it all in one or 2 dinners. Trust me, i get stressed about the work i leave on my desk. I tend to have "type A" traits. I hate leaving unfinished work on my desk. I also hate coming in and there is work on my desk. But, i prioritize. I do the dinners during busy season for the not so understanding friends/family. The friends and family that do undetstand and only call me to make sure i am sleepi g and eating, those are the winners. After busy season i normally buy small gifts and do big homecooked dinners to say thank you and to catch up.