I’m 31yrs old and husband is 33yrs old, his motility and sperm count is too low, all my results are normal. so we decided to go with IUI first and see and then try for IVF as I cannot afford IVF, my insurance is not covering for treatments. I was taking letrozole And ovidural injection(only one injection), and got ready for this cycle, but unfortunately when the sperm was washed his motility 2.5 and our doctor at CCRM suggested not to go, as count is too low and it doesn’t work.😭. Will IVF work?
Rising Star
My friend who uses Kindbody said that a nurse practitioner does her ultrasounds and the doctor does the behind the scenes work there. I looked into it and preferred a clinic affiliated with a university hospital system that had many doctors where I get every ultrasound done by my primary RE except on the weekends where I see another doctor on duty.
I hear yah!
I’m about to do IUI there next week. Its okay! Feel free to DM me for more details
Good luck A1! ❤️
Feel free to DM me - just finished my 2nd round of egg freezing and have had a very positive experience. Really liked how turnkey it was, easy scheduling / locations and good online interface
hi! I'm a reporter at bloomberg working on a podcast about fertility. would love to speak w folks about kindbody. i'm kbrown340@bloomberg.net if you are interested!
For oocyte retrieval, i think they’re comparable. As fertility specialist (RE), there’s not sufficient data yet. For example, you don’t know how successful they’re treating infertility across the board. Also they just introduced their own lab in some states, so insufficient data on how successful they’re in growing the embryos, thawing/freezing, and resources available comparable to bigger institutions with in-house labs.
But i like their concierge approach so you feel like a person, not a number.
Always informative, each RE have their unique pov, so it doesn’t hurt to compare. Their RE was more personable than bigger clinics. But they’re a bit stickler on certain things such as # of embryos to transfer, or testing. For context i’m over 42, so most clinics are more flexible based on my age.
Good luck with your journey!
I went there for my initial diagnostics and then, ultimately, first round of IVF. My IVF results were on par with what I’d expect from a first round (which is always an experiment no matter how sophisticated the clinic), i got pregnant from the transfer of our one embryo, and graduated on schedule (lost the baby at 16 weeks but that’s no fault of the clinics). In general, I loved the patient experience and genuinely felt the RE and nurses cared about me and our journey. However, decided to move to another clinic with more doctors for our next round of IVF so there would be more brains problem-solving our case. The KindBody RE definitely had preferred protocols and I now just want a bit more thought partnership in exploring all options given our disappointing round 1 results and later loss.
I’m sorry about your loss! Thanks for sharing your experience, it’s helpful. Wishing you the best on your continued journey. ❤️
hi! I'm a reporter at bloomberg working on a podcast about fertility. would love to speak w folks about kindbody. i'm kbrown340@bloomberg.net if you are interested!