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What’s your job title on your dating profile?
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Tie on day one or nah?
Unfortunately, my relationship survived the pandemic.
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You're always starting fights in public! Not to mention INSULTING ME. 🥺
Mine ended about 5 months into the pandemic. We had been dating for 2 years. I wouldn’t really blame it on the pandemic though. I broke it off because of a total lack of affection/effort/intimacy. He tried to blame some of that on the pandemic but to me, when the world goes to shit, if anything, you should tell people and show people that you love them more often, not stop saying and showing it. The rest of the pandemic is/was really lonely, but not any lonelier than being in a relationship where you feel ignored and unappreciated. No regrets.
Thank you! There were definitely lots of moments of doubts, but I’m much happier now. If you’re looking for clarity with your own relationship, I hope you find it!
My relationship with food survived the pandemic 🙃
It's rocky… check back in a few weeks.
Subject Expert
Survived and thrived. I love my husband so much.
Good for you. This helps me in its own way, actually.
I started dating someone as soon as the pandemic began. We joke and call each other “COVID gf/bf”. The pandemic definitely fast tracked the relationship. We moved in together in under a year (she was previously living alone). We’ve been together for about a year and a half now and couldn’t be happier. Lockdown would have been brutal without her.
Me too! Congrats, awesome to hear
Mine barely survived but we’re back on track now.