Anyone willing to share their experience w Zoloft (starting, ending, if you had alcohol during, etc) ? May be starting medicine treatment for the first time and would love to learn about some personal experiences

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Zoloft literally saved my life. I use it for severe OCD.


it took a solid two weeks for my body to get used to to zoloft, so give it time! your doctor may start you with a lower dose for a few weeks. but I've been on it for a year and a half and it's been effective for me.


What is it like getting used to it ?

Yes I drink on it haven’t noticed really anything. Maybe a tad bit more drowsy? When you titrate up the next few days can be a bit of a ride, my anxiety spikes but settles in after a few days.


Following since my doctor suggested switching to zoloft. Currently on Cymbalta and the transition period was long and rough.


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(For background: I’m diagnosed bipolar and medicated, and have been in touch w my therapist about this already. Just curious to see if anyone else is relating at the moment so I feel less alone, and to see if anyone has any coping mechanisms I might not have tried yet)

Thx 🐠🐟🐡😘


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