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Hello fishes. I am new to Fishbowl so hopefully I’m doing this right. I am finishing my degree in Computer Engineering and just had an initial interview with Accenture for their Technology Development Program. I am overall very excited, despite some of the opinions I’ve seen. My question is, what certifications or courses do you recommend me pursuing in anticipation of receiving an offer or just in general to continue building my resume? (& where to obtain). TIA!
Hi all - S& reached out to me about an interview with a “new” Corporate Development Services team that is part of / a spin-off from their Deals Strategy team. Post-MBA role.
I can’t find much online, especially S& specific. Does anyone have any insights on the team / group. What the work looks like, what the staffing model is etc?
My background is corporate finance and I would be interested in returning to that post-consulting, so it feels like a good fit. Thoughts or advice?
PwC Strategy&
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Great firm - congratulations! Culture is great, work life balance can be challenging but that is to be expected. Pay should typically increase 10-15% per year