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If you are over the income limit and do not qualify for free income tax filings for your 2021 tax return, TurboTax is on sale at certain retailers (Sam’s Club, Target, Costco and a few others) during the month of January. The discount is better than getting it directly from I was able to get the Premier option at Sam’s Club for $55 for five electronic federal filings and one state return.
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Just putting it out there that summer Fridays are a trick in my experience. We get a few full days that we get to pick on our own to use, but we are expected to make up all of those billable hours in the 1-2 weeks before we take the day, and sometimes something comes through at the last minute and you have to work anyway, so you've just worked some very long days for no day off. It's been like this at the last few agencies I've been at. Though to be fair I was working crazy hours already so "making it up" wasn't so different most of the time...
Exactly, SVP1. Because instead of just saying the office is closed on Fridays at 1PM and enforcing that boundary, companies would rather put it on employees to ensure the 4 hours off are only rarely actually taken.
Summer Fridays are a mirage. As you approach 1 PM on Friday, they tend to disappear.
For the love of the new Beavis & Butthead show, let’s just intro a four day work week model and call it day…please
Not sure if it’s a reboot or continuation of the original, but mike judge is heading and it will be on paramount +
Klick doesn’t do Summer Fridays, eh
After FTO was introduced, I thought the whole summer Friday thing went away.
Used to. Don’t any more.
I feel like this is much harder to accomplish in consulting due to utilization and the fact that if our clients are working, we probably should be available. Instead, you should hope your client offers it so you can take advantage without being blamed for fewer billable hours ;) unless your firm provides utilization for when clients are off!
There are no summer Fridays where I work but to be fair the holiday time is ample and we generally get the last week of the year off barring client demands.