Are biopharma and biotech stocks the move for Q4?

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I traded labu last week and make good money. Cant say it was my idea but best trade of the week


Idk but genomics are the move for the next 10 years

Well I won’t answer that. I’m quite bullish on the markets since Jerome Powell and the Fed have committed to keeping interest rates this low for at least the next 3 years. Plus with the current situation - massive amounts of capital have been moving around as people try to find alternative investments. This will result in a lot more innovation and people taking chances on startups and ideas that otherwise could have been “too risky” in the past. Besides whatever possible short-term pull back from COVID or the election - I don’t think it will be very drastic. Genomics will take off no matter what. I don’t really care about the short term. But on a 5 year time horizon, genomics is definitely a buy.


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