I grew up listening to country music. While it wasn’t the only thing I listened to, it was a plurality. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve slowly started to realize how much is stinks. Don’t get me wrong there is some stuff i like, but generally it’s just garbage. It’s just a bunch of repeating tropes,and twang. Can’t decide if I feel this way because I’ve changed, it has gotten worse, I now associate it with Trumpism, or it’s really always been this bad.
I just tried avacado toast for the first time a few weeks ago, was surprisingly tasty and now I'm hooked
The only affects on my are irritability because these damn avacados take forever to ripen and then I blink once and they go bad
I buy avocados with different level of softness!! That way I get 1-2 that are soft and ready for tomorrow and the next, and one that isn’t ripe at all but will most likely be in 3 days.
Rising Star
I eat avacado toast but make it at home for like $2 instead of paying $20 at a cafe. Does that count?
Well your bank account is likely to be drained. And you’ll never be able to buy a home
What are these effects? 🤔👀 does pretentious = overly positive or think they're a health nut after eating avocado toast?