Are there any natural supplements you swear by? Turmeric, wheat grass, grape seed extract, chlorophyll, etc? Gimme your best recommendations!

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Magnesium glycinate..mostly to prevent constipation and keep the electrolytes up


This is a game changer

At 37, and after a life so far of being a vanilla straight edge guy, I started taking delta-8 gummies once a week or so to guarantee a good, solid nights sleep.

And I’ll tell you, it’s one of the top 5 best things that’s ever happened to me, haha.


I’ll double check the dosage on mine, but I took one at 7:00 on Friday, it kicked in around 8:15. I got in bed at 9:00, and slept like a baby until 6:30 on Saturday.

Woke up feeling 100%. No head fog, no hangover, no drowsyness. Just woke up feeling fantastic.

Life changing.

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Yes. I’ll dm you the link of the supplements brand we take. It’s all natural and comes from a certified organic farm.


Can you share with us all? I’d love to know as well!


Liver king 😫


My husband is obsessed. He eats the liver and bone marrow or takes the liver pills and bone marrow supps

Magnesium - great for my anxiety &
sea moss- great for immune system


I’ve tried both. I do the best when I take it everyday day opposed to just when I’m stressed/anxious. I like to take it either my tea an hour before bed ( it’s a powder supplement)

Vit D and iron supplements




Glucosamine chondroitin with MSM. Great for joint support.


Did you have joint issues before? Or is this more preventative and maintenance?

This helps with excess mucus and cleansing of the lungs. I’ve been using it as a tea for years when I feel like I need to clear mucus.

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L lyseine


Most supplements are the placebo effect. I do a probiotic and fish oil.


We are not getting all the necessary nutrients in our diets. So supplements are very essential today. But just need to make sure they are coming from organic sources. Not just some mass market products.


I love Calm powder to help me sleep !


Magnesium and Sam-e


creatine, L glutamine, ashwangandha

ginkgo biloba
Vit D with Vit K2

CBD for me.

Creatine looks popular here so far- do you just take it or do you do it in conjunction with some kind of workout activity?

You can just take it, but without actually working out you likely won’t feel any benefit. And it’s crazy expensive now :(

I got into plexus and it’s been amazing

Liposomal AHCC from Mistacy. Makes me calm, helps me sleep and reduces inflammation in the whole body.

One of the best things you can take, with massive all round health benefits, is ginger. Every day. Your body will thank you.

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