Are there any studies on the outcomes of IVF babies ? We heard from our doctor that they pick the best eggs and the best sperms then implant the blastocysts that show the best growth - I was curious if those advantages continue on after birth.

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My understanding is this is less about advantages down the line, more about creating a successful full-term pregnancy.


Probably very difficult to run a controlled trial on this one. Who knows!

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How long do these last? I’m 20 weeks pregnant and can still see light bruising from these shots. Is that normal?


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What were your go-to resources when learning about elective egg freezing and IVF? Things you wished you’d known?


can anyone share thier stories of ivf at weill cornell nyc?


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Feb 2020: IUI leading to miscarriage at 7 weeks. August 2020: IVF frozen transfer (ICSI), miscarriage at 6 weeks. February 2021: IVF transfer #2, went for 8 week US today, baby’s measuring on track, heart rate of 170, I saw the heart beat and baby gave a little wiggle. Graduated from our fertility clinic, with 10 week US scheduled for
2 weeks from today. For now....the happiness is real (I’m the hubby btw).


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