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Double. Habit that I’m never going to break.
Double for client products, single for everything else. I’m a chameleon.
Single always. Double is dumb
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The proper way is single space now. Double space is technically wrong.
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Tell that to a partner who actually asked me with snark if there was a bluebook rule for why I wasn’t using a double space in a court filing (that’s the equivalent of the lawyers style manual), and of course, there’s no rule on double spaces. Had to really swallow my pride and let that one slide...
I find and replace all double spaces down to single
Don't double spaces get squiggly lines on word
Visual Storyteller
I use double periods too..
I use three periods to emphasize my confidence in the claims I make.
I was raised with double and double is what I do. It’s a hard habit to break.
Hehe. I don’t bother on my phone.
Rising Star
I have better things to worry about.
cool. go worry about them then
Rising Star
AP style and Chicago style are single space after a period. Double space made sense when people used typewriters, because the font used was more readable with double space. Using double space now makes you seem old. I’m old enough to remember typewriters, and I use single space.
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OP if you want to be correct and follow the accepted convention The Chicago Manual of Style is a comprehensive and widely used style manual for American English writing, and has been called the "standard of the book publishing industry". The 16th edition, published in 2010, states, "Like most publishers, Chicago advises leaving a single character space, not two spaces, between sentences ... and this recommendation applies to both the manuscript and the published work."[26] Chicago provides further guidance as follows:
Punctuation and space—one space or two? In typeset matter, one space, not two should be used between two sentences—whether the first ends in a period, a question mark, an exclamation point, or a closing quotation mark or parenthesis.
1 space per Chicago Manual of Style 17th Ed.
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Awesome. I was looking for my hard copy to do the same. You have my respect 😅
No post has ever made me feel older than reading the responses on this one. There is no way I could ever train my thumb not to press the space bar twice after a period. Time to put me out to pasture, and I’m not even 40.
You can do it! I did it when I was in my early 30s. It was hard but so worth it.
4 space
As a classically trained 'typist', you add two spaces after all end punctuation.
Classically trained in 1927
it’s large an age issue - Gen X and older are double. Millennials and younger are single.
I’m Gen X. Was taught double on a typewriter, switched to single when I upgraded from DOS to Windows 3.0.
I used to do double until I learned MLA recommends single.
Rising Star
I didn’t know this was a thing???? Why would I ever double space?????
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D3, double spacing is a vicious disease that affects millions of Americans resulting in hundreds of thousands of extra pages of email, manuscript and proposals every year. Be thankful you do not have it. Thoughts and prayers for the poor souls affected by this terrible affliction (😂)
Used to be double a long time ago, but single for the last 10 years or so.
Visual Storyteller
Double space is legit wrong. It’s not a preference thing anymore.
I honestly don't even remember what I used to do. A shocking number of people have strong feelings about this so I try to just do whatever the person whose client it is likes. It's low key exhausting.
Double spacing is more aesthetically pleasing, but I wasn't trained that way so I don't do it. Plus it is much nicer to be able to ctrl-h away all those accidental double spaces at the end