New in healthcare - I’m an X-ray tech (NCT) and also perform phlebotomy, in clinic testing (covid, flu, mono, strep, RSV, blood glucose, h. Pylori, etc), breath alcohol testing, and drug screenings.
How much should I expect to be making with this job?
I’m also in school to get my LMRT license and plan to continue in this job. What can I expect to be making doing the same job but with LMRT license?
I think Covid will generally speed up the obsolescence of consulting as a big industry
I think COVID will drive more consulting next year, too many struggling firms that need help, obsolete business modes that need reinvention and a few lucky ones who need to figure out how to keep up with demand.
Depends on the segment though. Would expect decrease in demand for body leasing for sure
2 responses in , and diametrically opposite to each other!!
I think COVID will lead to lots of lasting physical and mental health problems, even for those who never get infected. Lots of people becoming more sedentary and somewhat de-socialized. I don’t think this can fail to have long term impacts on company cultures too.