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Hello all,
Just drop to say you all are doing very good job but instances are there where we have to survive and that too with a not inch of penny , reality is worse but making it work is more about ourselves.
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Could I get some likes to DM people? Thank you!
Is biglaw litigation slow right now?
Hi folks, I was reached out to by a Fidelity Investments recruiter about their LEAP program. I'm interested but want to know people's experience and how it went/the interview process. Like maybe what questions they asked during the recruiter call and interviews etcetc. It seems like a good thing for someone like me who doesn't have a lot of experience.
Even if you want to do cybersecurity, get a CS degree
CS, certifications or minor in cybersecurity if you are interested in the field
Good add, but not as interesting work IMO
Cybersecurity is basically just a specialization within IT
Which has a larger salary range?
Should be fine if that’s all you can afford, in CS, your work experience and the skills along with technologies you can work on determines your success and salary more than anything else. That being said, ensure to work on side projects, freelance work while studying to build up your profile and experience.
Also, check out scholarships so that you can target better universities. All the best!
Without a doubt, CS
CS, but honestly just learn to code and have common sense and you’ll stand out as a programmer. Most of the best people in the industry I know are self-taught.