Been crying every night for the past week. I feel incredibly alone (28 yr old single female). I think this might be my first time in life going through depresssion. Any advice?

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Lower your standards.

If I can give this advice to enough people, maybe I got a shot



I hope that you have someone you can speak with. Its important to share your feelings and bot bottle it up. Posting here may be a first step but I think it would be helpful to find someone more personal/intimate.

I encourage you to speak with someone in HR or use your benefits and call EAP (employee assistance program). Every large firm has resources in place to help any of us.

There is depression in my family. It's not rare or uncommon. Nothing to feel extra private about. Please reach out to EAP or a professional therapist. They are all doing tele-therapy.

I wish you the best. Hang in there. 😊


First, it’s good that you’re acknowledging your feelings. I agree with others here that you should speak with a therapist who can help you navigate your feelings and give you an outlet to talk through whatever is bothering you. EAP is a great place to start and if you or they think you need more sessions, then you can continue.

Second, as someone who has also suffered from depression in the past, here are some things that have helped me:
- getting sunlight, especially first thing in the morning can improve mood and help set your body in daytime mode
- getting some form of exercise even if it’s walking around the block. Throw on some music and get moving
- good sleep hygiene
- reminding yourself that it’s ok to feel how you’re feeling and that it won’t be forever
- testing whether your thoughts are rational (am I really lazy or am I just tired today? Will I really get fired if I miss this deadline? Probably not. Etc)
- Staying away from depressants (liquor, wine) when I’m feeling depressed and limiting caffeine when I’m feeling extra anxious.


Now is a tough time. Breathing and mindfulness meditation helps.


OP I’m sorry about the cold and irresponsible comments from SA1 and PwC2. It’s sad people lack basic kindness and empathy.
Please take care of yourself, you are enough and your feeling and mental health matter ❤️.


I have found 2 things that really help with my depression during this time: to do lists (help me feel accomplished even when it’s as simple as “-shower”) and podcasts (it’s nice to hear people talking- modern love, you made it weird, the daily, pod save America, if your interested in politics). I also recommend taking on a hobby like candle making, painting, yoga, etc. and follow some YouTube videos of others doing it (gives more of a community feel in my opinion). I also recommend writing down your daily thoughts is also a way to get it all out and can be nice to look back on, start with a stream of consciousness or a gratitude journal. Doing a daily workout routine was really hard for me to get into but realllyyy helped with my depression long term. If you ever wake up crying, try to focus on your to do list. These are just some things that have helped me. Personally I wouldn’t recommend depression meds (my experience, everyone is different), they made me feel groggy and I couldn’t motivate myself to do anything making me more upset. Practicing meditation is also really beneficial. You can do this!!


Also being honest, weed has really helped me with my night time loneliness if you have it available. Really takes my mind off of everything (makes it impossible for me to focus so I stay distracted by the smallest things, and enjoy tv more). Long term, I do find it is more likely to enhance depression so I would set a specific time to use it and have good boundaries around it. It also doesn’t work for everyone/ isn’t legal everywhere so be careful. It has really helped me with loneliness and sleep so just an idea.



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