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Paul went on IG Live this afternoon after Karine called the police. I have not watched the video, but bloggers report that Paul accused Karine of drinking in front of their son, domestic violence (shoving him), giving him an STD, and being pregnant again. The video ends with Karine asking to be taken to a shelter. Very sad.
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Dm for referral (KPMG GS)

Rising Star
Lol looks like you found an ex bf
This is a not a mature way to solve a conflict.
Rising Star
Talk to your BF
The rent thing is a complicated situation for both of you, you should work together to figure out and not expect the other to handle it
Two days without talking is a lot honestly, I personally try to resolve any conflicts with my partner by the next morning. You just don’t want to be carrying that feeling for more than a day
Thank you.. this is by far the most mature advice I’ve gotten.
Type faster 😂
Done.. you guys are quick.
During the discussion he brought up a recent convo we had where I mentioned that my company could decrease my salary given the new city has a lower cost of living. He said that he would cover more things if that’s the case. While yes, this is true for anything recent, this is not true for the upcoming months where I’m still paying for rent in city A. He called me immoral for it (and later apologized for the incorrect use of words) and decided to pay for the rent until I can get out of my lease. I feel bad for him because the new job at city A won’t pay him until February. His previous contract ended in November so he’s getting no income.. but also, this is something we had discussed before. I wouldn’t have made the move right now if I had known I was going to pay 2 rents.
This is why meeting minutes are so important
Are you sure y’all should be moving in together? Sounds like a tough start to a major life event
Yes, it was the next step in our relationship and I don’t regret moving here. I just want to fix this problem..
Rising Star
OP I’d recommend you not taking much of what people are saying here too seriously. Your partner is not perfect and neither are you, this doesn’t seem like it’s a reoccurring behavior so as i said on a previous post, talk to him
It went pretty well. We discussed what happened and apologized for any rude thing we said during the initial convo. I will help cover some costs (like utilities) but he will assume the rent until I can get out of my lease.
I stormed out after the end of the convo because my feelings where hurt. He came like 10 min after and hugged me but to be honest I just wanted to be left alone. He took it in the wrong end and now we are not talking. It’s been 2 days and it’s pretty awkward. Also, I know nobody at this new city.. I feel isolated and sad.
Rising Star
Will he really difficult to be with him if he’s so calculating already.
Sounds like a roommate not a boyfriend. You didn’t have anything in writing. Also, it’s not too late to go back.
I understand :( gotta be something else making him flip flop, maybe stress, but he also is putting you in a bad situation when you are most vulnerable. You are still young & able to move anywhere regardless if you take a loss now. Just want you to be sure you know that.
Community Builder
Sounds like maybe the added stress of being sick, going to the ER, etc etc has added some nuance to this that you left out of the original details. Our current climate with COVID, mental health, plus other peoples health issues on top of that can do funky things to a person and also their memory.
Maybe all of this played a role in his memory and or how he acted, stress can do weird things to you.
I would go into a future conversation with the notion that this probably has a lot to do with it, and not some tactical attempt he made to screw you out of a few months of rent, and then try to come to a solution together.
And before anyone says it: you both need deep personal therapy separately and then couples therapy together to make this relationship salvageable 😂
VP1 that’s what I thought lol.. anyways, yeah I agree.. covid, being sick, etc etc has definitely added extra stress to both of us.
Rising Star
Airbnb the old spot. Even if not legal in your building. By the time they catch you it’ll be time to go anyways.
Problem is.. the old spot is empty now. Fortunately, I found someone that can take over my lease but I won’t hear back from my landlord until Jan 6 since she’s in vacations
He’s acting childish - you can’t talk finances with children.
How much stuff do you have? Can you move back for the rest of your lease and revisit moving in together once it’s up?
Thank you. I’ve reached out to him asking to clear the air. Waiting for him to reply 🙏🏾