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Yes, that’s the prerequisite of becoming a healthcare consultant. That and six-pack abs! And you’re all set!
Haven’t been tested once, but certainly some clients will, just depends.
Wish I could provide perspective but never even been close to one of those clients. You worried about the use of herbal remedies? I mean if I were to be worried about it when looking for a new project I’d probably just time my use and take a break until I know for sure, assuming my system was cleared out in time. It is definitely one risk you have to consider.
Not likely for drugs but will require TB test and flu shot if you will be in patient areas as a consultant- but I have never been asked for a drug test screening as a healthcare consultant
Some clients do in order to get badges
Depends on client and the level of security / access you are getting cleared for. Have also had a situation where select lead client partners were required to take drug test (but not the entire team).
@op I have some encouraging words re: advice on how to work around
1. Some clients — or your firm’s contract with the client — have provisions that you get X weeks notice before drug test. Take advantage of that.
2. A colleague of mine was notified of her drug test and decided to ignore the request. No one ever followed up and she stayed on that project for a full year. If the request comes to you via email, mark as unread and take your chances.
3. Another colleague of mine failed his (different client than #2) and they let him retake it!
4. I’m a former clinician and my client classified my current role as clinical. Never asked to take a drug test for a client, but did need to take one to get at my firm. Especially with the holidays, just be your good honest self if they ask you to take one - “I’m out of town this week with family—can we talk when I get back?”
5. Alcohol can cause you to fail too, doesn’t matter if you’re over 21. For the sake of not having to retake, stop drinking a few days before.
6. Don’t light up right after your test. The time to celebrate is once your client/employer confirms you actually passed.
Buy time and stop what you’re doing for the time being. Stay hydrated as hell. Exercise, drink coffee, kick your metabolism into high gear. Drink a water bottle before you go, but don’t over-do it or you’ll fail for being too dilute (yes, too dilute = automatic fail). If you can get in 4 dry weeks, even after moderate-to-heavy use you should be okay. Before people come at me with how it can stay in your system for months (which is true!), just remember that most employer drug tests are super basic and have a higher threshold than others (i.e. drug tests performed in an inpatient setting). Aka you’re allowed to have a little bit in your system, so long as it’s under their threshold you’re clean. Don’t mess around with piss bags and that garbage. The wait will be worth it.
As a clinician I also have to add—the best way to pass is to not do drugs. The above advice is just for those crazy situations where you accidentally smoked marijuana cigarettes for 6 years thinking they were Marlboros.
I've had some clients request it and others not. Only happened at the start of the project. Wasn't reoccurring or random in my case.
I’ve had projects where I’ve been told I would and project where they don’t care. My firm was willing to switch your project if you don’t think you’ll pass because it’s not stipulated in our contracts
Some clients will test you for certain
It depends on client. Be honest with project management. Because even we worry ;)
definitely a good chance of being asked to take a drug screen before you start on your project. only real way to work around is to lay off the drugs soon before you roll off until you piss clean for your next one.
Depends on client and they are typically fairly strict. That said, with laws changing so are requirements.