Best leveraged funds or places to park $100-$200 a month? Long timeframe, willing to take huge risk but still don’t want to ape into clear bubbles with it. The problem is that all the stuff i have in mind is hugely overvalued now (tqqq, crypto, etc).

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Leveraged funds are not meant for long term holding. They are meant to be held for a day. If you hold long term make sure you know how they work and what volatility will do to them. They do not necessarily work john some people think they work


I would do some research on a leveraged fund before investing. If you don’t care if it could get wiped out as long as it has potential for large gains, that is a calculated bet. Just know what volatility does to it. If the market just keeps going up and down each day by a reasonable amount, the leveraged fund gets killed

Leveraged funds cause you to lose money like no other if you try to hold long term lol

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