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I hate the health insurance my agency offers
Hi All,
I am having Multiple Openings in my team so candidates who are genuinely interested for job change and can join please send an email to me.
Email -
Organisation Name - Deutsche Bank
Location - Pune, Experience - 4 - 12 Years
Java Backend - 10 Positions
Java Frontend - 3 Positions
Deployment Specialist(DevOps) - 3 Positions
QA Automation Specialist - 4 Positions
L2 Production Support - 3 Positions
IT Application Owner - 1 PositionDeutsche Bank
Additional Posts in MBA Applicants
What laptop are you buying/using for school?
2 down, a couple more to go. Good luck everyone!
Stanford hands down
Subject Expert
All of them
Stanford, MIT, HBS top 3 (in no particular order)
Yup, I agree with EY-P 1, but since OP specifically mentioned the M7, I left Haas out of the list @S1