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Welp that was the last GSB date, no dice 🤪
is 32 too old to write GMAT and get MBA?
2 down, a couple more to go. Good luck everyone!
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First, figure out the the specific verbal issue(s) you’re struggling with. For most, it’s subject-verb agreement (it was for me).
Then just focus on doing those types of problems over and over again. For almost all verbal, there are tons of resources available — does not need to be GMAT-specific as long as they address your particular issue.
Eventually, a lightbulb just goes off. And then you’ll start catching mistakes in everything you read forever. Good luck op!
Would recommend the GMAC advanced questions book - has 150 harder verbal questions that helped me if you’re trying to improve your score even more
I personally just started doing a lot of practice banks and reviewing what I got wrong. I also start to make an effort to read more. Whether it was the news, fiction books, etc. Felt it helped me with book speed and general grammar