Covers a surprisingly large number of use cases. Learn to riff on this for more complex queries, environments, and systems, tailoring what you need in the select, adding joins, sorts, etc.
Get access to a development environment to run a query in your company's database. Tech people are extremely helpful I've found if you show interest in learning. It will be easier to understand SQL if you run it against data you know.
Print going down:
Select From x Join y on x.something = y.something Where Group by Having
Decide which things you want from the list.
Select means what columns you want to see
From is the table you are starting from and will move out from.
Join you'll need to look at some Venn diagrams to understand the different types but this is where you connect table x to y through some agreed up connect (lookup primary and foreign keys to learn more).
Where is your Excel filter. Remove out and only see specific information.
Group by is your pivot table in Excel.
Having is once you pivot table you want to filter some more. You can't use having unless you use group by. In most cases you'll use where instead.
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Select *
From tablename
Where criteriastatement
Covers a surprisingly large number of use cases. Learn to riff on this for more complex queries, environments, and systems, tailoring what you need in the select, adding joins, sorts, etc.
Get access to a development environment to run a query in your company's database. Tech people are extremely helpful I've found if you show interest in learning. It will be easier to understand SQL if you run it against data you know.
Print going down:
From x
Join y on x.something = y.something
Group by
Decide which things you want from the list.
Select means what columns you want to see
From is the table you are starting from and will move out from.
Join you'll need to look at some Venn diagrams to understand the different types but this is where you connect table x to y through some agreed up connect (lookup primary and foreign keys to learn more).
Where is your Excel filter. Remove out and only see specific information.
Group by is your pivot table in Excel.
Having is once you pivot table you want to filter some more. You can't use having unless you use group by. In most cases you'll use where instead.
Happy learning!
My pleasure. If you need further advice feel free to DM me.
You can learn how to do simple SQLlite queries on Khan academy for free.
Just learned SQL from very little prior experience in 1 week for two technical interviews - used Udemy, and HackerRank
Theory: Select, From, Where, Left Join, Inner Join, Group By
Practice: Hackerrank or so
Rest: Google
Tbh you can learn to code 90% of all usecases in 1 week
LinkedIn Learning has some great courses on SQL and also challenges that you can do as hands on
W3Schools is the place to go
Follow it up with problems on database through leetcode is an easy hands on way to get started. You do have to sign up to use their tool but you don't have to.