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Any insight into WilmerHale NYC?
Does everyone gain weight on Prozac?
Please meet Jaded Cat
Bar Exam prep.
Any insight into WilmerHale NYC?
Gunderson: 40000 lifetime maven benefit for fert treatments, adoption or surrogacy.
Insurance covers medically necessary infertility treatment only (which doesn't sweep in same-sex partners TTC).
Maven is great! We're lucky.
You beat me to it!
Follow up: if you’ve read this and your answer is “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure,” do an act of public service for your LGBTQ+ colleagues and find out so you can share here. And if you’ve read this and the answer is “none,” that is equally important to share. 🌈🌈🌈
Subject Expert
MoFo’s coverage depends on the insurance plan you select. All plans cover in-network diagnostics. The Cigna plans provide $30k of in-network treatment for IVF, etc. for medical infertility. Kaiser only covers artificial insemination. The firm also has a $10k ($5k for each spouse/partner) voluntary fertility assistance policy for anything voluntary and not covered by insurance, including infertility treatment, surrogacy, etc. These are mentioned in the benefits handbook and the standalone volunteer fertility assistance reimbursement policy.
Like A1 said, at my firm it depends on the insurance plan you choose. Of course such services with be applicable to heterosexual couples as well that have fertility issues or choose to go the surrogacy and IVF route.
Not Big Law but apparently lawyers for NYC - except gay male couples - get coverage for IVF…