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How do I learn how to interact with clients? Like advice for someone in sell side sales? Anyone know any good books or other resources? I found this video and I want to learn more tips like this:
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BNP is underpaying because they think you will stay because they are green. Every bank is going green. The biggest issue with gCiB is that they are trying to invest in corp fin, lev fin, and debt. So anyone not in those groups is being skimmed.
Yup 2% 3% crap. But HR plans to mark up to market in June for selected positions. Will be very limited
I'm not completely sure I understand your question. Or are you just venting?
I’m wondering whether they factor inflation at all into compensation adjustments or just focus on nominal figures.
The conservative company and employer doesn't take inflation into consideration. They want to run the business with considerable revenue growth and not whopping figures. So they don't care about inflation in both sides. No recognition for employees anyway.
My work had crap raises too.