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Does anyone have tips on passing the cams exam ?
LA folks , who wants to get together? 😁
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The polls are bad, etc.

Does anyone have tips on passing the cams exam ?
LA folks , who wants to get together? 😁
The polls are bad, etc.
This was posted an hour ago.
Isn’t this like 12 hours old?
This has been the church’s position forever; how is it suddenly “news”?
They should be cancelled for all the pedophilia
Don’t they have a ton of money though or something lol regardless of people showing up
Breaking: Jewish spiritual leaders do not condone eating pork!
But...bacon 🥓
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Are there any other major religion that does otherwise? Why singling out catholicism?
Pretty sure Episcopalian Christians are totally fine with it.
EY3 – Islam doesn't have the best track record with homosexuality, but I'm not going to go there because that would make me islamaphobic according to the modern left.