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Does it make sense to prepay a car loan?
Which crypto trading app do you use?
Thoughts on meta earnings?
Good day to invest?
Which crypto trading app do you use?
I’m sure you’ve looked at many homes and this one seems to meet all you want . Don’t second guess it
Felt the same way - it’s a big decision! But the way I thought of it:
If I walk away from this home, and someone else swoops it up the next day, will I be upset/regret it?
Helped me feel great about my decision and haven’t looked back.
Enjoy the process! I thought it was a lot of fun 🎉🍾🎊
Normal. It feels like a trap and it is in a little way. You’re making a big commitment and it’s new to you.
Thousands and thousands of people got through this each year. Trust your agent, take a deep breath and sign what they give you. Obvi read it first, but you’re going to sign it.
If the location is right and the inspection(s) are clean you’re doing the right thing.
It can be daunting looking at the contract and’s a big investment! It helped me when I ran the numbers, saw I could make the payments, and reminded myself I really did want the home. Agree with H1 in asking yourself, If you lost the home, would you regret it?
Rising Star
This will be the biggest purchase of your life, it's ok to be second guessing yourself or having cold feet. As long as you've considered all factors as unemotionally as possible, and have slept on the decision, you should be fine. Also what someone said above: will you regret it if it goes?
Congrats and all the best!
Rising Star
There will always be what ifs. It's scary because it's a big purchase and not something that you can change direction on quickly after the purchase. But that's okay! There is a reason you moved forward with the purchase.
Unless there is something that has come up in the inspection, feel confident that you're making the right decision. Check in with your relator and lawyer and inspector and ask if there is anything else you should be doing. This will hopefully set your mind at ease.
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Thanks all! These comments give me some peace of mind, and am excited all over again!