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I received & accepted a job offer. But I haven't heard back from my new employer. My last day at my current job is this Friday. I was in contact with the internal recruiter from the new firm all last week, but I never got acknowledgement of them receiving my signed offer letter. My start date is contingent upon a background check. I haven't received one single form to fill out related to that. I feel like I shouldn't say anything because I've already been coming off as extra eager. Any advice?
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Going to be hard given targets (quotas)
OP, please don't. Yes, it's weird and shitty that race plays a role in their decision-making process, but this sort of thinking just validates a backwards logic. I won't belabor the ethical case here-if you truly identify as a certain race, or outside those boxes, I'm not here to question you. But since this is such a Machiavellian approach, think about the trade-off. these schools do not take kindly to folks gaming the system, and it seems reasonable to think they are on the lookout for people trying to do this. What do you think the odds of getting away with it are, and are they really high enough when the downside is being blackballed and the upside is making your profile marginally more competitive?
To answer the bigger question, don't think it's impossible, but you're likely right that the odds are long. I think the real issue here is actually the big 4-if you want to punch above your weight/stats, the most effective way to do that is to stand out in your accomplishments. Harder by definition to do that when you're one of dozens or hundreds applying from the same company, all along variations on the same track.
Since both points above read as pessimistic, let's remember the context: these are already incredibly difficult schools to get into, with chance playing a huge factor. The differences discussed here amount to marginal changes (a few %) in one's odds: enough to be material in some cases, perhaps, but not enough to say that tweaking your employer or GPA makes any outcome possible/impossible. good luck!
Going to be challenging for sure. On the bright side, you are at the B4 that carries the most weight with GSB. Probably HBS too. Going to need a 760+ GMAT and kickass story / EC’s to be competitive
How low are you talking IBM1?
Is the racial quoa restricted only for asians applying from asia or asians also in other countries è.g. Europe?
OP, what is your GPA and what is your GMAT?
I think you need SOMETHING exceptional about yourself (given your personal context) to get into H/S, no matter the demographic. So if you have middling GPA and GMAT with only pretty good work experience, you need great extracurriculars or a great story