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I have a weird question
I have given interviews in JPMorgan Chase for developer role and got the offer which is gud but interviews were not as tough as one might have expected from a reputed firm like jpmc.
Had 1 tech,1 tech-Manager round , Hire view test which was quite easy and an hr round.
Am a little worried about the standard of project and the team. I have offer from CIB Payments team. Checked with hiring manager and he said d role is for developer. Just worried abt quality of work
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Race will NOT get you more hits according to a very recent study.
It’s basically citing broad data and applying it to a single situation. Ironically, it’s the same basis racists use to justify their racist beliefs. For companies most of us would want to work, and skilled professions, there is a bias for diversity/inclusion/military service. For a secretarial job or non skilled labor - the data probably still holds true.
It's the new DEI. But no worries, this stops discrimination 😉😉
Only an issue when it happens to you....when it happened to others in the 80s, 90s, 00s, it was 'merit based'.
I am a white woman with an absolutely ridiculous name (thanks mom and dad!). Think along the lines of “Lynkyn” instead of Lincoln, or “Klowee” instead of Chloe. I get measurably fewer responses when I apply with my real name versus using a “normal” spelling of it. So there is that to consider too.
SM1 I have come to the conclusion that it is a mix of bias/ being discounted because of the impression my name gives coupled with uncomfortableness of a recruiter who may not know how to pronounce my name so they just… don’t.
Is this a joke?
not sure dude. it is same story everywhere
I’m from west asia and i have to mark white on my app while my name is gets me special screening at the airports and brief detention in other countries. Idk if companies do this but i doubt most places care from an organizational standpoint. i’m sure there are spikes of this here and there for diversity purposes but not in general. when it comes to the hiring manager i think their own bias will come into play and there are a lot of factors. by in large i don’t think you should sweat it
Totally! I had those thoughts as well. About 80% of the jobs I apply to that don’t get an accept/reject response, I get an email saying the job was pulled.
If an algorithm is rejecting you, it’s definitely not your name. Are you sure Kim is or is not Asian? Are you sure on Alex or Sam’s genders?
However, I’ve came to believe that racial and gender profiling does happen. As more algorithms become AI based, and as we rush to “fix the AI bias”, it’s is very common to over-compensate for the past bad behavior.
Your safest options is to decline declaring your race, gender, and sexual orientation unless it helps your case. When it comes to race, only Black and Latin American helps. For most IT and finance jobs, Asian may actually be worse than being white.
DEI and what used to be Affirmative action actually benefited white women more than Black/Latin American men and women. That goes for Higher Education and the workforce. A simple Google search would bring up a multitude of articles and studies about this.
For years, major ATS products have been capable of 'straight through processing' to an interviewee list.
What is configured and weighted is up to the organization while adhering to governing laws.
So, there is no one size fits all answer, but to:Can you be rejected or scored lower based on 'an attribute'?
100%, Yes.
I don’t know what HR does before I see the applicant list but I haven’t seen a white male applicant in a long time.
Try being a woman over 60!
Damn I feel like age discrimination is huge too.
Hmmm. I am Black, but in the same boat as you. I have checked and not checked the boxes and get the same result (next to nothing) for over 2 years.
Can it be that WE are missing something in our resumes that makes US excludable in the initial scans??
What does your recruiter say about it?
If you aren't even getting phone screens, how do they know you are white?
Are you able to see them if you wanted to?
An interesting topic. You should apply to same position with same resume but different ethnicity and race etc to see the results.
I can check the Race, Veteran and dissability boxes and I don’t think any of this DEI stuff has helped me one bit. If that helps.
The answer is Yes.
The ESG is real and mandated in order to even do business these days.
Don't believe the naysayers. It is real. There is a mandate to interview more "moonshot" candidates. Meaning those who normally would not get a seat at the table.
People don't like to talk about it, but it is real and happening daily.
It’s more about flexibility and low morals these days
There are biases everywhere. Always have been and always will be. It’s part of the human condition. I’ve found those that claim to be un-biased are usually the worst