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Trying for job change from past 8 odd months and have been applying for many job posts and job openings all of it has been rejected - nothing is working out.
Skills and experience:
M.Com graduate with around 4 years of experience into Indian and US Accounting and Taxation.
Can anyone help me out with this.
EY KPMG Deloitte
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Tread lightly. HR is there not to protect you, but the agency. That being said, it may not be a bad idea to start looking for another job.
So many of these situations in our biz. Ugh. Don’t “like”. I feel you. Hope you get a great new gig soon.
True, HR works for the agency. So use it to protect yourself. Start an email to yourself to time stamp moments that worry you. Capture that he doesn’t know you. Go to HR and have a paper trail that you feel this way. They met not help in the moment, but if your name ever comes up in a lay-off/fire they may think twice if they believe your case is real/real enough. If he is trying to push you out / get you to quit by making your life miserable, you could ask Hr for resources the agency has for anxiety/stress. That plants the seed the environment is taking a toll on you. Assume HR will tell the CD, so script and practice what you will say and frame it as wanting to do your best work and not throwing him completely under the bus. But also ask them to keep it off the record and document if they don’t.
This is really helpful advice. Thank you!
HR works for the agency. Not for you. Be very careful.
Again, you don’t know me. I have dealt with depression and anxiety since I was a child. This situation has heightened something I struggle with on a daily basis. I understand not everyone will like me in life, but that doesn’t change that I find it destructive.
Not everyone has the means to just quit, unemployment can trigger other issues as well. Mental health is a real issue that not many people find serious. If you do your job well and you can add solve briefs you shouldn't be worried about your job. If you do get fired over BS you can take it up to HR, you might discover that that CD might have a history of mistreatment and complaints from other creatives.
Your creative director does not need to like you. That is not in her job description. She needs to like your work. If you feel she doesn’t like you it’s probably about that. So focus on the quality of work you were giving her. Is it to her taste? Is it the kind of humor that makes her laugh or the kind of emotion that makes her cry? It’s not about you it’s about your work. Every single time
@CD3 I see you and appreciate what you are trying to do there, gendering as a female to say females are CDs are as well. However, OP has already declared him a male and maybe save that for when the conversation is positive if you’re trying to get past unconscious bias/systemic assumptions.
Going through something similar. HR can’t fix it for you but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring it to them so it’s documented. Might save you during layoffs if your story is on the record.
Didnt mean to discount your feelings, OP. Sorry for that. But at the end of the day, we live in a world, where sometimes people dont like people. That’s life. Overstating and inflating a basic problem with real mental health challenges is, quite frankly, a slap in the face to sufferers who are experiencing things a bit worse than hurt feelings.
So he doesn’t like you or doesn’t know you? Two different things here and the one thing not discussed is if they’re into your work or not.
You haven't mentioned a legal case type of situation so I will assume there isn't one. If there are people there who like you and would say you're doing good work, find them and make sure they stay very happy about you. That can buy you some time, but your boss has the upper hand.
This happened to myself and several of my closest friends: One of my friends took it up through the proper channels. I on the other hand tried to just get on their good side. Neither approach ended well for us
I’d reco you use HR to help you move to a different team. In the end, it will never be good to work for someone who wants you out.