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Hi fishes I recently joined EY GDS. I was alloted to a project after 2 months.In LEAD I had my counsellor alone. He told need me to include couple of more feed back providers. My designation is senior consultant grade 3. Others in my team are below my grade. I dont know where I can find the feedback providers. Please help
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Please reply expertise person...
Expertise person :)
Staff 4 includes people ranging from YOE-4 to 6. Senior designation starts from 7+. Moreover the designation level is also decided based on the package that you will be getting. So, if two employees having 3 years of experience are offered 9lpa & 11lpa then they will be designated as staff3 and staff 4 respectively.
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okay if mine is 7 then what will be my level it is not mentioned on offer letter
Ideally senior, but this must be mentioned in the offer letter if not ask your HR
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okk Thanks