Can straight guys and girls every just be friends? Every straight guy friend I have ever had has either expressed romantic or sexual interest at least once in our friendship or vice versa.

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Probs not


Yes, my best friend of 30 years is a straight male. I'm straight female. We've never crossed the line or ever came close. He's more like a brother to me.

We've been through hell in each others lives and still love each other as good friends do. I can tell him absolutely everything without fear of judgment, vice versa.


Yes - I have 2 straight guys friends who I’ve asked why they didn’t want to date me because I love them as people and we really gelled. Both of them have variations of “I don’t know, but I don’t think I could ever date you.” Which is exactly how I feel about them - thinking about dating them grosses me out lol.


You are in the "sister" zone.



In fact, I’m the kind of guy who would rather transition from friends to being in a relationship, because of the first hand knowledge I’ve gathered about the girl before a relationship blossoms. Having that knowledge I think is key because you can determine whether someone is right for you as a significant other as opposed to a friend.

In college, I met this girl who everyone in the world thought I should date because we were so close (hell I think at points in time we were virtually in a relationship, just without the kissing and such!), we’d snuggle and watch TV in my dorm, get lunch together, etc.

But as I got to know her on a deeper level, her ambitions, her values, her passions...while they were great and respectable, they just didn’t line up with what I had in mind for my future. So we never dated, but I’m glad we didn’t because 10 years later we’re both happily married and we have a core group of what I hope are lifelong friends. Had we dated, we probably would’ve split up and I may not have the close friendships that I have today.


My best friend is a man. But, he and me connected at a time he was dating this girl (who he’s now happily married to). So the thought of dating each other never ever came up! Plus as much as i love him, we wouldn’t last a day as a couple


If the less attractive one is already in a relationship someone more attractive than the more attractive one, then definitely. I have a couple of close female friendships. They are both much more attractive than me, but my wife is much more attractive than them. I even used to even stay at one’s apartment some nights rather than do the 1.5 hour drive home during busy season at 3 AM. It never bothered my wife. There’s never been anything close to a hint of romance or sexuality in these friendships. They aren’t into me. Why would I let something like that develop with a friend when I’ve found the perfect woman?

They are also friends with my wife, so that probably helps keeping things friendly.


Most guys don’t keep a friendship around just in case one day they might bang. Friendships take work. Findings someone to bang just takes ambition, a mild amount of tact, a complete lack of shame, and some alcohol. As an unattractive fat guy, one night stands happen on accident more often than long friendships.

Yes. I have 2 straight male friends that I’ve considered my inner circle for 10, and 15 years. Never once made a pass at each other. Now we’re all happily married and still great friends.



Straight male here with straight female BFF for the last 12 years. We've been friends through a lot, and even admitted to each other we find the other attractive but would not date the other. We're both in happy relationships now and our significant others also know of our friendship. It's very possible.


I have several male friends from various jobs. Most are married now — one is still single. They’ve never been anything but good friends and I can’t imagine it any other way. I’m such good friends with one of the guys that our families actually vacation together.


No men are animals.


Nope... has never worked out for me. Always ends up going sexual or romantic


It happens. Probably more now than with older generations with the trend continuing to get better.


Depends what they look like



When Harry met sally

I have 2 close male friends. One has always been dating so the thought of anything with them is so weird. And the other is someone i share a lot of hobbys with but we just arent into each other like that.

I have made many female friends through Bootcamp. Some are pretty darn attractive. But I’m an old codger. 😄

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