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Has anyone been to MJQ on a Wednesday night? 🤔
New to Fishbowl?
unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
It ain’t that bad you just on atlscoop too much lmao
Please leave. Every big city has crime. Jesus some of y'all are spoiled as hell. Probably lived in suburbia your entire life.
The crime here is honestly pretty tame compared to other major cities. Is it worth living in ATL generally, no. There are much better cities for comparable price points
DC isn’t unless you’re talking about home buying. My rent in Atlanta is more then it was in DC
Have you ever lived in another large city? This is tame. Seriously.
Shitty to say, but the crime doesn’t affect me personally so I’m not too concerned
There’s a decent amount of crime here but other than car break-ins, it’s usually targeted. As long as you’re not involved in anything shady I feel like it’s not that dangerous. Especially when you consider cities like SF and NYC
Come to the burbs!
"safe" more like the same crimes aren't reported at similar rates
Crime? What crimes
Beats SF, I’ll tell you that.