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What’s it like making over 200k?
I think the point of the hostility is that it hasn’t worked very well for others. As individuals who have found success within this system, it’s our responsibility to recognize that and identify ways to help others who haven’t been as lucky.
Not paying employees a living minimum wage has worked quite well for me. It’s worrying to see such hostile toward it in recent times.
Not paying student athletes has worked quite well for me. It’s worrying to see such hostility towards it in recent times.
Industrial military complex has worked quite well for me. It’s worrying to see such hostility toward it in recent times.
Immigrant labor has worked quite well for. It’s worrying to see such hostility toward it in recent times.
Disclaimer: I’m a successful senior manager, making more money than I ever dreamed of, mba from M7, etc; however I can see how a society riddled with debt, no healthcare, experienced 2x great recessions, and can’t make ends meet off their “livable wage” can feel hostility towards it...
Capitalism is great but failing to acknowledge its short falls because it’s been good to you/doesn’t impact you is privilege. We can do both, highlight the good and the bad, and work to put corrections in place for its failures.
Rising Star
This 💯
Yes OP
We should just do what is working well for you. No point in thinking about the other 300M people 😀
PwC no it hasnt
Hostility against racism, sexism, inequities in wealth, education and other opportunities is a potentially productive way to improve our society. Labeling that hostility as “anti-capitalist” (by the hostile as well as by the targeted) is not so productive.
Why would you lump racism and sexism into inequities in wealth and education? OP was never hostile to any of these items.
That's such an easy perspective. Bezos is worth almost 200B, capitalism has worked out great for him.
In 2017 nearly 40 million Americans struggled with hunger. Some diabetic Americans have died because they can't afford the insulin they need to survive.
Hasn't worked out for them.
There are valid reasons to criticize "capitalism" (or our current system). I'm not saying I have the solutions or know exactly what to do, but the lie that capitalism is perfect is propagated by those whom it is has worked out well for.
That's not even getting into the fact that the current system is not fully capitalistic; for example corporate bailouts are anti-capitalism. One of the core tenants of capitalism is that failure allows new businesses to rise.
It's important to think about what others' lives are like other than just your own.
JA1 socialism is the workers seizing the means of production, not the govt.
OP literally no one cares about you and your mid six figure salary (or me for that matter, or even the successful partner that makes a few mil a year). People are fed up with a world where 5 white men can control as much wealth as the poorest billion. You can be wealthy and still support a system that doesn’t fuel gross inequality.
Rising Star
EY3 of course it matters. Unless you think white men are a superior race/sex then you have to confront the reasons why billionaires and CEOs are overwhelmingly white men.
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Did you drop a /s
Typical Republican take....
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1) "for me"
2) you've never lived in a state of pure capitalism. You're a fool if you think you have.
Yes! We do not have true free market capitalism.
Rising Star
Yep no reason to care about a system that works for you and not others. 🙄
Rising Star
You're so right!! Why are we SOCIALIZING the losses of airlines that:
-made tons of money off passenger fees
-didn't save profits for a rainy day fund
-spent it on buying their own stocks to bump up the price
-ask government for SOCIALISM BAILOUT, from taxpayers like you and me, when covid hit because they had no money saved
Capitalism has worked well for me, I don't know why these American corporations and US politicians, and US citizens who elected them (which includes OP) are so hostile towards it in recent times.
We never had pure capitalism in this country, just capitalizing profits for the rich and socializing losses for the poor and powerless. We did this back in 2008, did it now, and probably will do it again unless there is change that benefits the average American.
Be better informed on who capitalism works for in this country, it's not you, it's you who might have gotten lucky enough to tag on to the coattails of the rich who rode the waves but not for most Americans.
Have some empathy for others OP
Rising Star
Totally agree, we should let the businesses that prioritized stock price over company health go bust, and have a new generation of entrepreneurs buy up the pieces and hire the workers.
Get the guillotine boys
Capitalism has done more to raise people out of poverty than any other economic system ever. It is not perfect but the alternatives are terrible.
OP, ignore everyone talking about your privilege, “no one cares about you,” etc. The reality is that 1. Socialism is absolutely evil. There is a reason why the beloved AOC and Bernie literally can’t come up with a single successful example. There isn’t one. 2. Our culture is not moving toward the Scandinavian welfare state, which functions on top of a capitalist economy. They’re currently moving toward Soviet Union. 3. Even IF we tried to create a Sweden here, it would not work for a variety of reasons. Sweden is small and also homogenous. People in Europe are accustomed to the kind of taxes people here will never pay. There could a whole essay about why US will never be like the Scandinavian countries, but I’ll let that one be.
Read a history book and watch for the signs. One party taking over control of most media? Pushing for censorship of public platforms? Inserting “social responsibility” into news? Constantly creating new words? Trying to “cancel” any business for having an opinion that isn’t even offensive, it’s just counter to what they want everyone screaming? (Eg Goya) Trying to defund law enforcement and also take away your own guns?
These people aren’t trying to help anyone right now, they’re trying to systematically take the country down. Don’t believe the silly justifications, look at the trend.
KPMG3 your first premise is wrong. It should be "Capitalism is absolutely evil"
I hope and assume this OP is joking.
Who have you helped with your personal wealth, besides your nuclear family?
Speaking as a Vanderbilt, my prospects aren't looking good.
So, is everyone suggesting a movement toward socialism?
Did our grandparents generation, who benefitted from the socialist GI bill, suggest a movement towards socialism? Does it even matter? We have a broken economy. There are ways to fix it. Are interested in fixing it or are you spooked by words that end in “-ism”?
Many on here are acting as if this post makes me cold and heartless. Was just a random thought I had this fine Sunday morning. Not saying our system can’t be improved. But there’s this growing “tear it down” sentiment out there that gives me concern. I also have no interest in getting to see a Bolshevik-style revolution first hand in my lifetime. Prefer to read about that in the history books.
You are pretty cold and heartless. That's what you came off as anyway
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Why is this controversial? Especially to a group of accounting professionals
Valid point. Lots of self-loathing right here.