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Wow I’m so sorry for you… but good to know that trash sometimes does get what it deserves!
Karma served you well.
Karma will serve you well too if you don’t fall in line and be empathetic
It’s always Deloitte
Seriously though I dated a dude from Deloitte years ago and he cheated on me like 6 times. Deloitte is just one massive red flag to me.
OP, you clearly didn’t care for her all that much when the two of you were together if you felt no remorse cheating
@BC1 right here
Rising Star
I’m sorry…
Try not being a total piece of trash? Idk might work
To be fair this dude sounds too far down the trash chute to dig himself out
Jeez tough crowd... Can't a man make a mistake? I've learned and don't plan on doing it again...
Nobody said he couldn't make a mistake. Can't people enjoy the consequences of a guys mistake? Jeeze tough crowd
I was confused if OP was sad about the end of the relationship or the end of the cheating 😂
I think it’s best for you to leave it where it is and focus on why you constantly cheated on her. Time to deal with self. One night stands won’t cure you. Happy soul searching!
Good, sane advice from HR, thank you!
The fact that you didn’t value her enough to respect her (i.e., not cheat) when you were together and are now putting her on a pedestal and pining for her suggests a pattern of idealization/devaluation that probably indicates deeper issues. Sleeping around to try and fill the void is not healthy behavior either. What to do? Leave the ex alone (!!), get therapy, and avoid getting involved with anyone else until you’ve worked on yourself and can be sure you won’t mistreat them the way you did your ex.
City boys up 💯
Rising Star
If you were from a farm, you’d be a good boy
You've tried hooking up with random girls. Have you tried hooking up with random guys? The confusion afterwards would certainly weight heavier on you than missing your ex.
Conversation Starter
Made up fantasy stories to keep this bowl going lol.
What do you mean? Lol
This is a happy ending
I hope you never do.
You sound like a real trashcan lmao
You don’t love her, you are just afraid that now you’ll get into a real relationship and cheating will be harder !
The fact that you’re calling her perfect after the fact is putting her on a pedestal and denotes a fear of intimacy - ie, pining after what you can’t have. It’s a common thing - and not being able to appreciate someone while you have them will result in a painful, sad existence.
Well, I mean you still got around 3bn women out there to f*ck. Let's go back to work champ!
Love it
Rising Star
You cheated on her. What do you expect her to do, come running back? I doubt you "love and miss" her; more likely you're afraid of uncertainty. Move on.
Hey - I hope this reaches you despite the fantastic show of unempathetic cretins here.
You messed up. You have issues. But you’re deserving of forgiveness for yourself and for her as well. When the time is right - reach out and explain your self reflective findings and who knows, maybe after some solid therapy (paid or otherwise), she’ll circle back to in another part of life.
Everyone we date is a lesson. And I’ve had my fair share of lessons.
In my younger years I was exactly like you and it took quite a while to work on myself, my demons and child born/nurtured proclivities. (still working on them btw)
You’ll improve man. You got this.
Appreciate the support, especially after you've been cheated on. I know it must be tough to sympathize after what I've done.