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Don’t worry about it. Just email the partner and ask if there’s anything you can do before the closing call
Your partner seems to have mismanaged this closing if he was up all night with doc comments the night before closing. Having said that, we’re you the only associate on the deal? If so the expectation from the partner may have been to stay up.
Very much understand that; however, the “open” docs were ones “the partner had been working on” (I.e., I was more or less told to focus on my docs and the partner was working on the “heavier stuff”) — lastly, we sent what must have been our 6th or 7th turn of the docs yesterday afternoon (with minimally invasive comments), so I kind of assumed they’d sign off and we’d be good to go
Relax. Breathe. You’re 2.5 weeks in, i.e. just joined the firm in the middle of an impending closing. You only have secondhand background information on the matter. If the partner wanted you to be doing something they should have said so.
But the partner seems like they did ask ask a question and he or she was asleep by midnight (which is not that late the night before closing). You’re right juniors don’t know much so one thing they can do well is to be available and responsive. It’s not a big deal but going forward you should communicate better with your partner.
All you can do now is check in with the partner and go through action items for pre-closing call. At this point in the deal everyone just wants to get it over the line. Going forward, if you are less than 24 hrs from a closing call it is always best practice to tell the partner you are planning to log off and ask if there is anything else they need. Communication is key. Just don’t beat yourself up, you’re very new and growing pains are to be expected for a lateral hire.
I once had a first year unexpectedly log off around 10pm the day before a deal launch and be completely unresponsive to a couple emails and texts. Even told them earlier in the afternoon that they'd need to send a few docs out that day and it might get quite late, unfortunately, but we'd appreciate the help, yet they logged off before we'd sent those docs out so they clearly knew there was more to do that night.
I'm not a monster. If they'd had any reasonable reason to need to log off, or if they'd even told me, it likely would have been fine but I was surprised. It really helps to just communicate--almost excessively so--at the beginning.
@A11 I mean I had to do all their work in addition to mine before a big deal launch. Communicating with auditors, OC, clients, finalizing documents, sending distros and getting sign off. Senior associate and I (mid-level) were up till 4am.
Relax. Not a big deal. We know people do fall asleep and they probably sent you that email “hoping” you were awake, but not expecting it. Trust me, I feel asleep (like snoring) on a closing call once with OC after having not slept for some days and all anyone did was laugh because they knew I was just exhausted. Didn’t get fired, made equity partner with the blessing of the partner who I feel asleep on, and everyone moved on.
Was anything directed at you?
If I were in your shoes and were not expecting anything, I just would’ve sent a CYA saying you’ll be on standby but might be AFK around the house so just give a call if they need to reach you. That way you’re not twiddling your thumbs waiting for something you’re not sure will even come in. And then if they do call then you’ll know to work and won’t look like you flaked.
Following because this almost happened to me too
Same !
What region is the office in? Could help to know
It’s all good. Don’t think you made a mistake. Just ask if there’s anything you can do before closing.
Usually I will send a check in email and say like please let me know if I can help with anything else if not I am going to turn in.
Your partner might be annoyed, but you’re a first year at a new gig. It’s expected that you’ll make mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up about it too much. Everyone screws up a few times as a junior associate. As long as you didn’t cost the client actual money you’re fine.