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Citi -- 16.90 LPA, Angular + Java FullStack ( will learn java here ), Limited WFH, Very far from native.
KPMG - 13 LPA, Vue + Angular, .Net, Azure, Limited WFH, Very far from native.
Which one to choose for overall growth for woman, Please provide valuable feedback.KPMG Citi Citicorp Citicorp services india pvt ltd KPMG India KPMG UK
Wanted to highlight Prudential Financial’s hiring practices. They rescinded my offer once I attempted to negotiate the salary. The official reason given was that I didn’t “sound excited enough”.
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Hi all, Currently I am 1.6yrs experienced.I had completed my interview with HCL Technologies along with HR discussion around 1st week of July.On 20th July I received an email from HR saying I need to wait for 3 more weeks to get the offer letter. My salary was 3.8 LPA at the time of interview(it became 4LPA from August) and i asked for 6.5 LPA Need advice on whether or not to expect the Offer Letter in hand once 3 weeks are over? HCL Technologies
Wow that’s wild if true. For how chill that industry is, sounds like a solid gig
Yeah I’m happy for her. That’s like a solid 9-5 and high cash
She was probably honest with you, but where I have my doubts is if the company was honest with her…most Corp dev associates I’ve heard are like $140-ish. This would be a crazy amount above market.
Wow that is absolutely wild!
I've never heard of a number close to this for that yoe in corp dev
Yeahh that's what I'm the most confused about too!! The base is high but not insane. Bonus could maybe be a one time thing? Some kind of covid retention attempt, idk
125 seems right but is the 100% bonus top end of the ~expected range~ or is it what your friend actually received?
what’s her background? Also trying to break into Corp dec with no IB or hedge background