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Nagarro Nagarro has offered me 14 LPA They have just sent email asking for my acceptance and confirmation on joining date to release formal offer letter. I cannot give correct date of joining as I will come to know , only when I resign from exit portal. That I can do only after formal offer letter from nagarro
What shall I reply ?
HCL Technologies
Any suggestion much appreciated. Thanks
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Don't do that. Good organization don't ask any sensitive detail before joining which is in compliance with GDPR guidelines
Only few companies ask pan no like TCS but they don't ask for photo , adress . Better not to provide pan to any consultancy
Last time I gave interview with Accenture 4 yrs back they had asked for pan card.
It's how the validation happens for duplicate profiles and fake interviews
Pan card is something you can't escape from.
If you don't trust the recruiter then you have to let go of the chance.
Without that info they won't proceed further.
In today's world, most of organizations are checking your cibil score to understand your financial history and behaviour. It shows how credible you are as per that particular company's work culture. Most of the companies prefer nominal 650 above cibil score and prefer no defaults in any loan.