My little brother is in law school and unsure whether to pursue a big law career. He’s ambitious, but wants a meaningful job that is not 24/7.
We have been blessed by financial support from family: By no means super rich, but he will leave LS with "only" 40k in loans, and owns a debt free apartment that pays his 1.5k mnthly mortgage.
He therefore doesn’t feel he "needs" big law money.
I’m in big law bc I’m a degenerate workoholic, while he has a life. Find it difficult to offer him advice.
You’re still very young :)
Ask your local mosque.
OP, in same boat and honestly no clue - might just wait 2-3 years go to B school and hope I find someone there lol
If you go to a T15+ MBA then you that everyone around is At least some what smart, so that’s one less thing to worry about and people are older so they’re looking to settle down, and it’s a pool of people
Network, go to community events and volunteer this way people know you and you’re on the “radar”, apps, match makers
Join Muppies, use apps, ask married friends for intros
How do you join muppies?