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Make the process about the customer and their needs and not about you getting quota.
Detach yourself from the outcome. Help the customer find problems they didn’t know they had with their current setup. Then provide solutions.
Bowl Leader
Mine comes from David Weiss. After a demo or feature presentation you should schedule one-on-one time with every customer audience member. You want to understand what they thought about yhe demonand how the value of the solution will directly impact their life. For example if your solutions lesses the time to perform a operation by 30% you can ask the participant what can they do with that free time. Can they do something more strategic for their company and accelerate their career. Can they take that time into their personal life and enjoy the family or a hobby more. Or, can they utilize it for something else.
It was a good tip.
David Weiss is ✅️
Not to take things personally. Sales isn't for the faint of heart, and when you can distance yourself emotionally, you can do great things without getting dragged down by the few negatives.
For me it is personal, I don’t sell to my customers, I give them solutions! If I fail them for whatever reason I take it personally. I then try not to fail the next! Denzel Washington said success takes hard work, in order to be successful you have to work hard! Don’t be afraid of hard work.
I’m not the biggest Kobe fan, but he said work at being better today than yesterday, and I pray to God that I am!
After you get the a yes from your prospect, ask them if they are willing to be an advocate for you with the other stakeholders/decision makers to close the deal. Most companies have multiple layers/people involved to get the contract closed. If your buyer isn’t willing to be an advocate and do the work with you to close the deal, you could waste weeks of ongoing sales time only to have the deal collapse because your original buyer isn’t fighting for it.
Trade value when asking for time. Things like “checking in” and “circle back” are not valuable to my client. Make them never regret answering my call.
To search deeper into why a customer wants our goods to better understand how we can develop their account.
Approach prospects in a way that you can solve their problems, be pleasantly persistent, & don’t get too excited 👌
Sales isn’t something you do TO someone, it’s something you do FOR them.
Don’t be afraid to job hop and keep climbing, external moves are where the money is and it’s less frowned upon in sales post Covid. Some more progressive companies think the job lifer who stays at the same level for too long is not interested in promotion (which I don’t agree with but perception cues are interesting).
That is increasingly the perception. They don't want people who just prefer to stay comfortable - they want people who are motivated and not afraid to make changes
Make sure that you fully understand the financial/quota/attainment implications of any proposal that includes significant gives/discounting. It is entirely possible to have a 10's of millions of dollars deal approved by executive leadership that greatly benefits their metrics, but doesn't get the account team paid.
Not recent but knowing the basics of BANT. Doesn’t matter if you are selling to a SMB or a enterprise. Every call/meeting, answer BANT!
Ask yourself - "How am I helping this prospect personally? Will they meet their annual objectives? Will they be promoted? Will they get a raise? Will their stature amongst their professional peers improve because of me?"
Witfm: what is it for me. Why, when, what. And 3 times repeat approach.
First Class Luxury Service
Before a sales call, create an “accusation / objection audit”
Ask yourself - what are the 3 - 5 worst objections or accusations this prospect or customer could level against me? Then think up responses to those objections and bring up the top 1 or 2 before the prospect does.
For example, if your solution is known to be more expensive than a competitor, acknowledge it before they do. Saying something when talking about pricing like “we’re not the cheapest option, but here’s how we’ve structured this to add as much value as possible…” is an easy way to build trust and deflate objections before they arise.