Currently a third year associate at a med mal firm, with a background in healthcare. Looking to transition to transactional law. Any advice is appreciated!

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I’m a third year healthcare regulatory and transactional lawyer. You should lateral ASAP if you want to retool yourself. If you want to do healthcare transactional work make sure you can demonstrate an understanding of fraud and abuse laws and their related safe harbors, corporate practice of medicine issues, and corporate law in general.


Yeah, and unfortunately med mal doesn’t really correlate with healthcare transactions or the regulatory side of the practice, though I’d say it’s decent for showing a firm you have an interest and experience working in healthcare. The sooner OP can lateral the better, I understand it gets harder to retool after third year.


I agree with what the above posters have recommended. I changed from employment litigation to healthcare transactional work after my 5th year and while I do not think retooling was more difficult, the big law firms I worked at did dock me a year for lockstep compensation and partner considerations for doing the switch later in my career.

Also if your current firm does any healthcare transactional work try to start getting experience now. On the regulatory side, interoperability and information blocking (ONC's Cure Act) is a really hot area where very few people have shown a firm understanding of and could be a good place for you to start at almost even footing as everyone else.

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