Dear boomers: please stop believing everything you see on Facebook or Twitter is the truth. You guys have no idea how many times I've had to chat with my parents about the fact that if an image or a text post isn't coming from a proper source, then it was probably written by some teenager in their bedroom. Anyone else?

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hahaha! Totally, in my case I have to deal with my parents and my 8 year old son for the same reason.

I'm tired to tell my parents to make sure it's coming from a reputable news outlet or website, rather than some random person posting something in a forum or on their personal blog. It's exhausting

As a parent, I have the same thought but in reverse, not everything you can see in a tik tok video is true, as a parent and teacher I see how the youth feel they have a power of supremacy for having access to knowledge so "easy", it is not easy because many things can be lies and it is very different than they show you something to you learn it yourself. Anyone else?

I suppose it does go both ways, young people get caught in the trap of copying dumb or dangerous online trends all the time and it's just as embarassing

You have no idea how many times I've been sent a link to an article from the seediest-looking website imaginable

I have the same problem with my parents, they always show me a meme that they take as real news, I think the only one they managed to understand was the image that talked about the death of Queen Elizabeth.

Yeah, sometimes I think about how the stuff they send me is probably only a tiny fraction of what they get exposed to on a daily basis. Who knows what they've been convinced of

My Mom will believe anything she's told (unless it's coming from me, of course). Her opinions change daily based on whatever a friend has told her or an article she's read. It's frustrating, but I don't blame her for it one bit. She was raised during a time where it was normal to trust everything that was "published" in some way. The issue I have is with all the platforms that are neutral on, or even encourage the spread of lies to get more viewership.

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Thank you :).



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