Deeply struggling with the decision to get divorced or not, and it’s having negative mental and physical effects. Seeing a therapist but wondering if anyone can suggest additional resources to help

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Sorry to hear that, OP. Try the books Divorce Busting and Divorce Remedy. Talks about what to do and what not to do in the situation you are in. They also have community support forums on their website that you might find helpful.


Wishing you peace with whatever decision you make, and faith that you're decision will be the right one


It’s a hard process. The book below helped me see what I had not previously realized about why we were struggling

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Thanks for the suggestions and support. Alcoholism and depression, plus just growing older, have changed him (and probably me) over the last few years. He’s getting better, but debating what I can tolerate and if I can fall in love with him again is just draining. 😔


Before making any rash decisions go to a yoga retreat for 10 days. It’ll help block out the noise and it’ll allow you to make a much better decision and stay true to yourself

Sorry to hear OP. I’m not aware of any books that can be helpful. However, just wanted to tell you to be strong through this. It’s not easy.

This is tough but not insurmountable. The best advice I got from someone was focus on being a great husband and don’t worry about her and her behavior. Much much easier said than done but people are not blind and they know when they have a gem. So good to him when he doesn’t even deserve it and let him live with that. Love is much tougher than what the movies depict or what people generally think. But it takes patience, lots of it and sacrifice. Things we don’t love to do.

You can turn it around. Believe it

You can do hard things. And this sounds like an extremely hard thing. Just make the next right decision. Try to get out of your head and more into your heart. We’re all human, broken in our own ways and trying to learn how to love ourselves and love others. ❤️ Sending you strength and inner peace.

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