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Happy Lunar New Year!
New CEO/CCO is Asian. Feeling empowered
I married a dentist. All is forgiven. 😉
Yes!! They still don't understand what I do.
Same. Realized my mom tells her friends that I’m a computer artist 🤔
Hoping to disappoint them less as soon as I get that junior AD position 🙃
They couldn't stop me but they had strong objections. Sister in med school. One doctor a family is enough. I'll be the black sheep. Np.
I don’t think so. Perhaps it’s because my asian parents never set that standard on me. Frankly, I’m glad I went into advertising, allowed me to take what I know and am passionate about and blend it all into a career.
I was supposed to be a dentist.
@GSD1 wow! Good for you. I’m planning getting married to my designer SO
I’m married to a nurse ... good enough for me
Oh I disappointed them long before that. Particularly when I lost my scholarship my first term in college and then dropped out of the architecture school (was one of 12 undergrads accepted before freshman year). That was fun. But now I get paid to brainwash people! I might as well be a doctor!
My parents just paid for college, never asked which degree I'll study as long as it's in a good university they can brag about. Never asked about my job and were happy to help supplement the low income in the first two years. Maybe I got lucky 😂
A mortgage is a mortgage. It is just advertising.
As immigrants, they are proud I put myself through college and love that I’m successful in advertising. Follow your passion, money and success will come. Your happiness comes first.